Crash | Book Review

“When leaders create an environment of connectivity in the workplace,
and promote a feeling of togetherness, they build an understanding that
no matter how each employee or department chooses to get there,
there is a unified destination.” 
(p. 88)

Subtitled Leading Through the Wreckage, is Carla Moore’s inspirational personal story, which shatters the false belief that our personal and professional lives are mutually exclusive, revealing what leadership really means to her by tracing the evolution of her operating principles. This review assembles selected passages, in effect creating and celebrating Moore’s leadership philosophy, based on her courageous journey of personal growth.


Let's recall eight elements of a Personal Leadership Philosophy:

What Does Leadership Mean to Me
Describe what leadership means to you written in third person.

Personal Values
What you believe in; such as honesty, commitment, respect for others.

Operating Principles
Description of how you will carry out your responsibilities.

What you expect of others and what they can expect of you.

What you will demand and what you will not tolerate.

What’s important, and in what order.

Personal Idiosyncrasies
Your peculiar likes or “pet peeves."

Your willingness for feedback

A Crash Leadership Philosophy

I made it on the wings, prayers and backs of those who came before me (p. 139). Enlightened leadership gives honest feedback, which helps employees recognize what their own strengths, pitfalls, and blind spots are – and good leaders are willing and able to receive the same sort of feedback themselves (p. 25). Authentic personal freedom comes from knowing and practicing certain beliefs each and every day (p. 167). My goal is to give myself away to anyone who needs anything I have in order for them to keep moving, keeping striving so they can hit the next level or even just make the next turn (p. 20). All roads are connected, but it’s up to each of us to choose to see those connections and to move on them (p. 87).

True glory comes from an abundance of riches, not a scarcity (p. 79). We must stop sometimes and stand in a space of gratitude to show appreciation for what we’ve already received (p. 127). Passion + Purpose = Power (p. 125). As [your] leader, I sit down with [you] and help [you] envision, strategize, and execute (p. 27). You’re not there to be the smartest person in the room; you just need to be the best leader in the room (p. 39). [Your]job is to introduce freedom into the atmosphere (p. 45). Who you are at work is who you are inside (p. 58). I[‘ll] help [you] find out what ignites [you], what connects [you] to [your] work and to [your] coworkers, and I [will] help clear the way (p. 88).

The most heightened moments in life begin as we leave the boundaries of our comfort zone (p. 105). Every now and again, you need to pull over, slow down, get out the map, and take a good look at what got you to where you are now (p. 117). Crash moments are opportunities for transformation, to do things differently (p. 157). [Let’s] integrate community service into [our] life and mission (p. 71).

Let’s face it; you can call yourself a leader but if you look behind
you and no one’s there, you’re not a leader. (p. 146)

Leaders who make an impact know their strengths and weaknesses. They have transparency (p. 24). Let’s force you to find a way to connect and establish who you are (p. 50). The only time you should be looking down at someone is if you’re also reaching out a hand to lift them up (p. 73). [Ask yourself] how [you will] show up as [your] best sel[f] whether at school, at work, at home, at life (p. 76). You don’t have to do huge thinks to make a big difference (p. 106). [We] can learn a lot when [we] take time [to] listen (p. 134).

[Don’t be] focused on [your] own youth, [your] own achievement, [your] own advancement – [you’ll] forget [you]’re actually there to lead, not to rule (p. 45). [Keep in mind] I’ve come across many, many people who want to be promoted at work but have yet to turn in one assignment their boss didn’t ask them to deliver (p. 60). You are [here] to LEAD, not to shine the brightest (p. 74). [Your best] is also what I want for you. Let’s make a plan to get you there (p. 77). Put [yourself] in the path of possibility (p. 83).

Before my crash moment, I was a big perfectionist (p. 37). What I know now is we are born with value – so much value that it can’t be added to (p. 122). [Beware:] The frenzied pace and panic of life is time consuming, overwhelming, and false (p. 141).

Realize you can accomplish more by sharing than taking (p. 161). The thought of being so vulnerable makes people shy away from living a wholly truthful life, but I learned that no other way of living really works (p. 18). If there is something you know you can do or that you need and want, remember that others won’t know about it if it stays locked inside your head or your heart (p. 113). Fight hard to ensure others can see, feel, and know their worth while also providing candid observations and areas for growth and development so they can win in every area (p. 157). Enlightened leaders help other people discover how good others can be (p. 45).

Final Takeaway

This is the calling of my life: to touch, connect, engage and
inspire others to live the life they’ve imagined (p. 179).

Note: Carla Moore generously provided a copy of her book for review.

JE | May 2018
